Heritage Monchique
Monchique was discovered by the Romans, who took all the natural potential that this village offers. And following in his footsteps, the Portuguese people live in harmony with the historical and natural heritage of Monchique has to present.

Chimneys Skirt – The houses of Monchique have the traditional Algarve architecture on the white walls and patches of color of the doors and windows, but the top display typical skirt chimneys, so different from the coast. The basis of these stacks is generally the width of the entire kitchen. It was here that, in the past, families remained longer. The fire made under these chimneys had the heating Fireplace functions, cooking stove and still smokehouse to “cure” the sausages. In any situation the fireplace was always open fire, or fire was made by one of the kitchen walls – in the area of the “home” of the fire, but this had no guard. – Fires

Poucochinho Mill – in Barranco of Pisões, it is so called influence of the former owner’s name. Pisões were individuals whom the weavers delivered tissues to withdraw them fat and give them consistency. The name of the activity comes from the fact that working with the stomp ‘machine trampling the tissues. ” Even today one can find in the Barranco Pisões, a water mill, recently restored by the Monchique Parish Council, which, after the craft stomp, much to the staple food of the people there resorted to grind cereals.

Archaeological Site of Cerro Castle Alferce – the castle was built in the tenth or eleventh century by Muslims, having served military refuge support to Silves Castle. Today there remain only a few walls and a cistern, hidden in the middle of vegetation and among oak trees. This site has been the subject of archaeological excavations, in order to make the dating of archaeological site “Cerro Alferce Castle”. At this point stems from the process of legal classification of cultural heritage buildings from the Portuguese Institute of Architectural Heritage.

Barranco of Pisões – a green space through which a stream of clear water, where you can spend a nice summer evening and enjoy a picnic in the park proper and in the shade of a beautiful maple classified as monumental tree of Portugal for its centennial age. In this place you can still find the mill Poucochinho, a water mill, recently restored by the Monchique parish council, who contributed greatly to the staple food of the people there resorted to grind cereals.

Convent of Nossa Senhora do Desterro – on top of a hill, and is only accessible through the Convent of the way, this convent was founded in 1631 by Pero da Silva, who would later be recognized as governor of Portuguese India. Legend has it that Silva pear carried with him from India, an image of Our Lady in ivory. Another legend states that the construction of the convent comes from a promise of two sailors who in difficulty at sea promised its construction when the land sighting. With the earthquake of 1755, this was partially damaged, being rebuilt and the image of Our Lady of Desterro was moved to the Chapel of St. Sebastian.

Caldas de Monchique – a spa resort, whose waters offer therapeutic properties and are recognized from the Roman Empire time, designated as sacred waters.