Monuments in Lisbon
São Jorge’s Castle
With mandatory stop, the Castelo de São Jorge is the highest point in the city of Lisbon, in the heart of neighborhoods, which not only offers a tale of its origin, but also a view over Lisbon and Tagus River, a landscape breathtaking.
- Traces of the Royal Palace of the Alcazaba – former royal residence, these traces are your memory are the Museum, the Coffee Castle, the restaurant Casa do Leão.
- Archaeological Centre – date back to three important moments in the capital history, being the first population structures of the seventh century, B.C .; houses and streets of the eleventh century and the remains of the Palace of the Counts of Santiago, which was destroyed by the 1755 earthquake.
- Periscope – the Tower of Ulysses, this optical system of lenses and mirrors, designed by Leonardo Da Vinci in the sixteenth century, allows the evaluation of Lisbon and its monuments at a glance 360º.
- Viewpoint – your viewpoint offers a unique view of the city of Lisbon.

Down by Alfama, Fado is felt, the amateur who likes to sing, or by the singer that makes for pleasure, Fado runs through the veins to the heart of Lisbon’s Portuguese both rejoices singing.

Tram 28
Picking up the electric, something so puritanical Lisbon, offering a seamless experience when going through the historic districts, return to the past, the vintage Lisbon, which requires essential electrical photograph 28, recognized worldwide.

Terreiro do Paço
Walking through the corners of Lisbon, the largest and most emblematic square of Lisbon it is noted, the Terreiro do Paco, the 1755 earthquake warrior, seduces visitors and locals for its view of the river and the opportunity to stroll along the river or sail boat for this.

Ending the trip in Bethlehem, more pearls of the past come between contemporary features and old buildings with new soul, Lisbon presents here two Gothic-Manueline monuments that are part of World Heritage. These wash their souls during the Discoveries, living up to the present, telling her new adventures and his new people. But without leave Bethlehem without tasting the famous and the symbols of national cuisine, Pastel de Belém, warm accompanied by a coffee, experience in Bethlehem becomes even more perfect.

Parque das Nações
Jumping to the extreme of Lisbon, the biggest case of revitalization of a successful industrial district, the Park of Nations offers an array of attractions to all visitors, from children who want to explore the depths of the oceans, knowing all the fauna and flora sea to the business you participating in events that occupy three pavilions at FIL.

Belém Tower
First his goal was to interdict access to hostile ships, held only by King Manuel I, this highlights the Maghrebian art architect and sculptor Francisco Arruda. In the golden age of the Discoveries, this monument is a symbol of prestige of the King, bearing the symbolism of Manueline, which surrounds it. In 1983, the Belem Tower, the true symbol of the Portuguese brand, has been recognized by UNESCO, classifying it as a World Heritage Site.

Santa Justa Elevator
Going to the most in the Lisbon area, the first stops is the Elevator Santa Justa, which allows find a unique landscape for the oldest part of Lisbon, then exit to the bustling Chiado streets, running shops and shops, traditional commerce or pasta here is an attraction for thousands.

Bairro Alto
After the day, nothing better than a dinner in the Bairro Alto and unwind in an old building neighborhood, but modern in the people that fill, trying to keep the young and fun spirit in its animation streets only ends when sun rises, preparing for another busy day full of adventure, new people, new ways to explore Lisbon.

Aqueduct of Águas Livres
A great piece of engineering, which has the highest arch of the World stone, about 28 meters wide and 65 meters high. This work was completed over two hundred years, and was awarded the Council of Europe.

Mãe d’ Água Nova
Just from the eighteenth century were channeled water to the capital, through aqueducts and water mothers in stone, which highlights the Mother d ‘New Water is a structure that springs water, circular with 17 meters high and 5 depth, lying on a rocky concavity.

Rua Augusta arch
Offering access to a viewpoint with a panoramic 360 degree views over Lisbon, in its upper part are Célestin Anatole Calmels sculptures representing Glory crowning Genius and Value. They lower, are sculptures of Vítor Bastos, with representations of Viriato, Vasco da Gama and Marques de Pombal and Nuno Alvares Pereira. Inside, specifically in the Clock Room, its visitors can get to know your story.

Estrela Basilica
Uma igreja neoclássica, construída no século XVIII, esta apresenta duas torres sineiras e um excelente trabalho de cantaria, juntamente com as pinturas de interiores de Pompeu Botoni e Pedro Alexandrino, esta basílica foi ordenada por Rainha D. Maria I, que retrata uma versão simplista do Convento de Mafra.

Campo Pequeno
A historic and iconic building in Lisbon, it was renovated in 2006, performing with a commercial gallery, car park and several restaurants in the surrounding area. However, today, due to its multifunctionality, it is a stage several shows, which are held throughout the year.

Casa dos Bicos
A sixteenth century house that once belonged to Afonso de Albuquerque, captain of the son of the ships of India. Its originality lies in the façade facing the Tagus river, flushed in nozzles, in which elements of Italian influence, are purely characteristic of the Manueline style. With the earthquake of 1755, it was badly damaged, when restoration work, archaeological remains were found, in which unraveled Roman tanks focused for salting and fish preserves and even a section of Fernandina wall..

Chapel of Our Lady of Health
Mouraria, one of the oldest districts of Lisbon, this follows the procession Lady of Health, one of the most traditional religious manifestations of capital. This hermitage is to highlight the seventeenth-century portal, Brás de Almeida altarpiece and paintings by Antonio Machado Sapeiro.

Underground Gallery Loreto
A section of the aqueduct of Águas Livres, which allows observing the underground galleries of the Lisbon supply system. Its construction dates back to 748, connecting the reservoir to the Patriarchal Garden St. Peter of Alcantara.

Roman galleries
Related to port and commercial activities, these galleries feature an architecture and construction techniques that appeal at the time of the Emperors Julio-Claudian, the first century A.D. .. They are in Rua da Conceição, with the n. 77.

Church of St. Dominic
With a unique beauty in this church are held religious ceremonies national in nature and real, as baptized and royal weddings. This was built in the thirteenth century, at the behest of King Sancho II, and his first stone was laid in 1241. This was classified as a National Monument.

Church of San Roque
A treasure guarding the European religious art of the sixteenth and seventeenth century, works of jewelery and paintings, pieces of Italian artists, making it the church with a richer booty Lisbon.

Church of Saint Anthony
Late-Baroque origin, this is close to the Cathedral, where they dwelt Saint Anthony, patron saint of Lisbon and protector of lovers.

Church and Convent of São Vicente de Fora
Important religious monument of the capital, this presents a Mannerist style, built after the conquest of Lisbon from the Moors, and as voting D. Afonso Henriques to São Vicente. Currently it is not possible to observe the romantic original building, which was subsequently amended in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, in a Gothic style and finally was restored in the eighteenth century. Noteworthy are the tile panels that tell the fables of La Fontaine.

Church and Convent of Carmo
A century work XIV (end) and beginning of the fifteenth century and was founded by Nuno Alvares Pereira. Currently the convent is headquarters of the National Guard, while the church is in a state of ruins, although this presents a unique beauty.

Jerónimos Monastery
This work, classified as World Heritage, highlights the discovery of the history of the sea route to India, where their work began in 1501 at the behest of King Manuel I. This limestone work with architectural elements of the late Gothic and Renaissance, was getting over the centuries works of requalification. Initially, this monastery was occupied by monks of the Order of St. Jerome who prayed for the soul of King Manuel and provided spiritual assistance to sailors and navigators.

Padrão dos Descobrimentos
In Belém, the place where they left the first caravels in towards Africa, this monument celebrates the Portuguese Discoveries. However, its present form was started in 1960, the fifth centenary of the death of Prince Henry, booster maritime epic. This pattern is presented in the form of caravel, figuring the statues of browsers: Bartolomeu Dias, leader of the first crossing of the Cape of Good Hope; Vasco da Gama, discoverer of the sea route to India; Pedro Alvares Cabral, who headed to Brazil; Ferdinand Magellan, the first European to navigate the South Pacific, circling the globe. Is currently housed here the Cultural Center of Discovery.

Belém Palace
Official residence of the Head of State, which has a view over the river, along with the gardens that surround it, offer you a charm.

Fronteira Palace
From the seventeenth century, it is surrounded by two gardens that give it a romantic setting, along with the tiles of the time and rocaille stuccoes of the eighteenth century.

Ajuda National Palace
Former official residence of the Portuguese royal family, beginning his duties from 1861 to 1910, who organized great ceremonies of the court, balls and banquets. This is currently a single real visitable palace in the capital, and which retains the decor, decorative arts, paintings, sculptures and tapestries.

National Pantheon
Its primary church was built in honor of the Infanta Maria, youngest daughter of King Manuel I, after having been designed after many years, by João Antunes, who took advantage of his position and made this a baroque work of vast proportions. In 1966 it opened as the National Pantheon, welcoming Teófilo Braga, Sidónio Pais, Oscar Carmona, Manuel de Arriaga, Humberto Delgado, John of God, Almeida Garrett, Guerra Junqueiro, Amalia Rodrigues and Eusebius. In its central body are honored Nuno Alvares Pereira, Henry the Navigator, Afonso de Albuquerque, Vasco da Gama and Pedro Alvares Cabral Luís Vaz de Camões.

Benfica doors
Limit of Lisbon and Amadora, this construction of the twentieth century, features eight turrets, which was levied a tax on the movement of people and goods.

Christ the King Shrine
Built in 1959, this has a height of 110 meters, providing a unique view over Lisbon and the Tagus estuary, this giant figure of Christ with open arms to Lisbon, was inspired by his neighbor in Rio de Janeiro. Legend has it that the bishops of Portugal pledged their construction if Portugal did not enter the conflict of World War II.

The most important religious structure in Lisbon in late Romantic style, with various brands of construction and reconstruction campaigns, including the Gothic, Renaissance, Mannerist, Baroque, pombalino and revivalism.

Shaaré Tikvah Synagogue
In the district of São Mamede, this presents an eclectic nature, with austere lines and oriented along the axis of Jerusalem. This highlights the bimah (platform) and almemór (table) in the center, the ehal (sanctuary) hosting the torah (the law rolls). The Jewish Community of Lisbon organizes various cultural tours, covering his memories.