Tejo Estuary Natural Reserve
The Tejo Estuary Natural Reserve is considered as one of the ten most important wetlands in Portugal and Europe, as home to several migratory waterbirds who choose to choose this area because of its mosaic salinity, whose ecosystem has a wide variety biological, thickness of vegetation and the area of the moisture itself.
Your marshland is considered the largest continuous area and great value for the country, with its concentration of organic matter, which is created by the deposition of sediments brought by the river Sado, which together with the decomposition of vegetation, the perfect environment for development organisms and ecosystems

Thus, this marshland is an area of great significance in biological productivity, the main special plants that have adapted to the high concentration of salinity in its environmental. Already in less brackish water areas, the vegetation is dominated by reed, reed beds creating spots where several species of birds can nest, one area in which they feel more protected and abundant food.

The Natural Reserve of the Tejo Estuary is symbolized by the Avocet (Recurvirostra avosetta), which at the time this was sorted, it was predicted that about 75% of the population of this species nidificaria this area. Already about 50% of the national breeding population of the Eagle-hawk (Circus aeruginosus), find this book the perfect place to nest.
Preferring to look for food, nesting or just noted, some birds looking for a perfect habitat for their needs, as happens in the Natural Reserve of the Tejo Estuary.

At low tide, the shallower area and which is more submerged is most sought by the Herons, who hunt small fish, following immediately to his refuge in the reed beds. On the other hand, the teal attends the vegetation of the marshland to look for food.

Already the waders, the salt pans are their preferred habitat, since not only provides refuge during high tide, such as providing food. In summer, during the summer period, the salt welcome the Stilt nests and Kentish Plover.

In the area of marshland, with its open fields, a perfect area it is to observe the behavior of several species, and during the winter, it is observed with great ease the Abib.

Already the ponds of the reserve are strongly sought by several species such as Stilt and Partridge of the sea, which here looking nest, so these areas are the perfect haven for shorebirds and waterfowl birds.