Delícias Madeirense
The gastronomic delights of Madeira leave water in the mouth, from confectionery to exotic and unique fruit of Madeira. These temptations attract not only for its taste, but it its texture, color and difference.
The trip to Madeira can not be done without the true taste of these gastronomic wonders.
Madeira wine
Shortly after the discovery of the island of Madeira, the exploitation of the harvest begins, as there are record that show that 25 years after the beginning of the colonization of Madeira, have stemmed exports of Madeira Wine. The nectar of the Gods is one of many ex-libris of Madeira, being appreciated both nationally and internationally. In 1776, it was chosen for the day’s celebrations of Independence, by Shakespeare. The vineyards are cultivated by hand, in small “poles” that are supported by the terraced slopes of the mountains, comes this delicious wine, a climate and unique soil of Madeira. Currently there are over thirty varieties of Madeira wine, the most noble Sercial, Boal, Verdelho and Malvasia. It is recommended to lovers and curious of this wine and this art, visiting Madeira in September, so they can attend and participate in the grape harvest and the Wine Madeira.
Honey cake
One of the most traditional delicacies of the cuisine of Madeira, Honey Cake is confecionado with sugarcane honey, it can be kept for a long period of time. Is strongly associated with Christmas, this cake is prepared on December 8, the day of Our Lady of Conception, and up to Christmas Day, acquires its unique characteristics. However, this cake can be preserved for a whole year, as it is prepared with honey cane, which contains a strong element of conservation and is an original component of Madeira.
Honey Broas
Made from sugarcane honey, the honey Broas is one of the delicacies of the popular Madeiran cuisine in the holiday season. Its main component, the honey is produced from sugarcane, which makes this delicacy is conserved throughout the year, but is in the Christmas season that is most appreciated, along with traditional Madeira liquors.
Caco cake
The ex-libris of the Madeiran cuisine, this is the link between the Madeiran bread and bread baked the Hebrew people. This is confecionado wheat flour, homemade yeast, water and salt, and kneaded and then to carry the weight, it is cut into pieces, baked in a stone, the ceramic material, as heated and then served with or without garlic butter.
Sweet potato
One of the most common crops are sweet potatoes for consumption this tuber has an important role in regional cuisine and is also very exported to European countries. The sweet potato is presented with an orange pulp white, with thin bark that can be white, yellow, orange, red or purple, and is distinguished by its sweet taste.
This regional fruit has a unique and distinctive tropical flavor, originally comes from the valleys of the highlands of the Andes, but has adapted very easily to the soil and climatic conditions of Madeira. For many, their flavor is a mixture between the taste of banana, pineapple and a little strawberry, because others give it a mango flavor, papaya and coconut. This has a similar artichoke appearance, which may be either smooth as squamous, wherein in the former case, the shell is thin, and in the second case, the epidermis is thicker, since its pulp is creamy white, velvety and very sweet.
From South America, this exotic fruit has adapted to the conditions of Madeira and presents edible with a green-yellow pulp, pasty involving a core 3 to 5 cm in diameter, as its bark varies in shades of green and dark red.
A reference fruit in Madeira, the quality and quantity of production, being a fruit of Southeast Asia, this requires a high temperature throughout the year, ranging between 24ºC and 29ºC, 15ºC below its paralyzes activity.
This is distinct for its taste and size of produced cherry, getting a medium-sized to small, reddish color, Cherry Wood essentially exists in Câmara de Lobos county. During the months of May and June, due to the time of its fruitfulness, and his honor is celebrated the Feast of Cherries in the village of Jardim da Serra, Camara de Lobos municipality.
Sugar cane
One of agricultural species with greater importance in the history of Madeira, sugarcane created Fever “was the White Gold” in the fifteenth century. Their culture was introduced in the year 1425, by Prince Henry, having imported from Sicily. Nowadays, the sugarcane is intended for the production of sugar syrup and cane spirit.
From the sugarcane, it is used in various delicacies of the Madeiran cuisine. During the season of sugar production in Madeira, cane honey arises from the introduction of two mills, called gadgets, which extract the juice of sugar cane, called guarapa, being filtered and boiled in clarifiers, and then was taken to the evaporators, and finally, the last filtration was made that preceded the introduction of xaropo, the vacuum boiler. Later the sugar syrup cools a repository. This food is quite rich in phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, iron, Vitamin PP, Vitamin B2, Copper, Vitamin B1.
This is better known as fiddle, has several varieties in Madeira, the main ones being the Barral, Pero Sunday, Pero Calhau, Lady Face and Pero da Ponta do Pargo. In September is held the Feast of Pero, in his honor, in the village of Ponta do Pargo, where this comes in many different forms, from cakes, sweets and cider, which is a typical traditional drink of Madeira, resulting from alcoholic fermentation the fiddle of the juice.
Passion fruit
A fruit well known in Madeira for its taste and for its varied applicability in food, drug and ornaments. Its pulp and gelatinous accompanied by small dark seeds.