In a valley that has been a point of interest, calling curious, the Douro arises that gets involved by a Mediterranean climate, a warm, dry area, perfect for the cultivation of vines, olive, almond and fruit like cherry , fig, peach, orange, apple, one full of colors valley, life and movement on a heterogeneous view in which to observe the vineyards and terraces, bordering the Douro. A landscape of breathtaking from the Douro to Tua.
The Douro Valley always fertile and full asymmetrical with the contrasts of colors, smells and movements, which summarize the life and passion of the people who work here, creating traditions and feelings they share with the world, especially in the famous Port wine.

So go through this valley is not only know a little more of it, but also to feel your personality and identity, built by nature, through landscapes and Man through the religious and cultural heritage, handicrafts and gastronomy, along with folklore of festivals and parties. Not escape the eyes of the world in 2001, UNESCO raised the Alto Douro Wine Region to Heritage.
This territory includes the valley of the River Douro, Porto and the Archaeological Park of the Coa, in particular covers thirteen municipalities: Alijó, Armamar, Carrazeda Ansiães, Lamego, Mesão Frio, Peso da Regua, Sabrosa, Santa Marta de Penaguião, St. John’s Pesqueira Tabuaço, Moncorvo Tower, Vila Nova de Foz Coa and Vila Real, reaching the slopes of the Douro river and tributaries Varosa, Corgo, Távora, Torto and Pinhão.
Its classification as a cultural landscape, as well as preserve aspects also streamlined the Douro region, calling for the territory management, qualification and environmental recovery as emerged a tourist mass looking for the Port Wine Route, which allow interested roam a region and years of its existence, along with wine tastings and events organization.
As regards the cuisine appreciated in these lands of schist plateaus and granitic slopes, drawn by the Douro river outlines, we highlight the regional bread of Lapa, homemade sausages, roast lamb in wood ovens, the Varosa the trout, the Balsemão and Vilar, not forgetting the greaves stylish Cinfães, the corns of Meda, the wild rabbit with Míscaros the Beira Moimenta meadow, the bazulaque Tarouca meat or even the balls of Lamego. Moving on to something sweeter, we highlight the sweet almond São João da Pesqueira, cavacas Resende and cake king of Tabuaço, and highlighting the juicy fruits like apples, pears, oranges, cherries and not coming, too the nuts of the chestnut groves of Penedono.

But it is a sin not to mention the soul of this valley, the Port Wine and Douro, unique in Portugal, due to all the features of the Douro Wine Region, from the white, red, spirits, the Port is beyond doubt the most notable, delicious and sublime. Wine is the strength and part of the dynamism of this region, from the fifth century, the demand for full-bodied and strong wines stimulated the campaign of Lamego wine, the first Port. After two centuries of strong persistence, efforts have profits and the Port, between the Douro, expanded to the port, the boats, the rumors and the evidence made both by the people and by foreigners.

The magnificence of Port wine comes from the hot summers and cold winters, the schist soil itself preserves and refracts the heat, and the vines are collected by the hands of workers, despite the new technological means, the craft process, give that one of an already special wine and approved by world flavor.
In September, the harvest become the most awaited moment is this month that is done the job the completion of the wine, from cutting the mill. In order to encourage hard work, parties are held, songs that print the pace on the feet and the heart, tread the grapes. A passion cycle, thus arises the wines of the Douro, greatly appreciated at the table, at parties, in times of shares, the whites, the reds, the spirits, sparkling of Varosa, the Port Wines in ruby, tawny, vintage or Late Bottled Vintage are the stars and the center of the table.

For the curious, for those who want to participate at the time of grant of the wines, the Port Wine Route was created. Of great tourist value, the wine growing areas are released by the wine tourism that acts as a catalyst that stimulates and better the living conditions of rural populations. On the one hand, there is a range of people who wish to be present in the process of wine, on the other hand, are people who improve their lives due to this niche market, while preserving the cultural values and especially environmental values.
Therefore, producers bottlers, Cooperative Wineries, Port Wine Merchants, wine bars, Rural Tourism, Vitivinícola Interest centers, river cruise operators, restaurants, tourism companies are essential for the promotion of this route, going to meeting of the interested parties seeking and respecting the values of the region and the people involved, from the great producer to the small business owner, aimed at offering an experience to their curious, promoting the authenticity of the experience in the Douro region. Thus, the wine experience that involves all the flavors of wine and Douro cuisine, along with regional crafts and all the sharing of traditions and stories, complete the real life on the Douro.