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Serra do Açor

Present in the Central Cordillera between the Lousã and the Serra da Estrela, which covers Arganil and Pampilhosa da Serra, so the Açor extends for over three hundred hectares, crossed by two rivers, the Ribeira da Mata Margaraça and Barroca of Degraínhos.

What explore

Mata Nacional do UrsoRio ZêzereSerra da EstrelaSerra da GardunhaSerra da LousãSerra de Penha GarciaSerra do AçorSerra do CaramuloSerra do Sicó

Strongly marked by the engagement of Alva and Ceira valleys, Mondego tributaries, this saw has its valleys a perfect and unique monumentality that exude beauty, where their terraces show the mills of the villages that there decided to set up home, living in saw secrets, as the lily martagon, the gilbadeira, the common oak or seal-of-Solomon, that only a full tone symphony Margaraça Forest.

The highest point in Arganil, reaches 1349 meters, that its summit offers a view of the curves of the mountain, on the schist houses of Piódão which interconnect so badly with the landscape, as in fairy tales. In the aspect of Pampilhosa da Serra, this highlights are the Penedos of Fajão, just above the village of Fajão, which convey the surreal authenticity of the Serra do Açor.