In the West
The West has a variety of accommodations, which aim to offer a service, a unique experience.

The Western cuisine is varied and rich, pig killing dish, the roast kid and rabbit stew, through the stews, sea bream and sea bass.

The West has been growing as a golf destination, offering a range of services and facilities for the lovers of this sport.

Many of the events that have led to Portugal gave in this region, a region crossed by history, art and culture.

The mountains, beaches, West offers several landscapes for those seeking a quiet environment, taking advantage of the walking routes and better understand the West.

The West offers a variety of activities that entertain, at sea, in the air, on land and in dreams, nothing better to know the West to carry out activities.

On the west coast line are the most beautiful beaches of Portugal. From Nazareth to Torres Vedras, the beaches of the Silver Coast seduce the sun and sea lovers.

The West presented throughout the year, various shows and events for the whole family. Since the festivities, to the Chocolate Festival or Fair of Wine and Vine.